Persons and groups critical of Canada’s virtual open-door immigration policy are being systematically excluded from what is supposed to be open consultations with the Legislative Review Committee who are reviewing Canada’s immigration policies. Among dozens of other groups and individuals excluded from the supposed “open consultations” were the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and Canada’s official opposition party, the Reform Party. To show their contempt for majority opinion in this country, the committee did hear from:
- Affiliation of Multicultural Societies & Service Agencies of BC
- Alberta Association of Immigrant Serving Agencies (AAISA)
- Calgary Immigrant Aid Society
- B’Nai Brith Canada
- National Association of Canadians of Origins in India
- PROMIS, Organisme d’aide aux réfugiés et aux immigrants
- LEGIT (Lesbian and Gay Immigration Task Force)
- Click here to see a complete list of organizations “approved” to make representations to the committee
Also see: Immigration Critics Gagged, The Myths of Immigration, Immigration: What the public opinion polls say, Letter to the Immigration Legislative Advisory Review re: Immigration Reform. This petition will be delivered to all members of the Legislative Review Committee, the media and various elected officials of the Canadian Government.