Canadian Association for Free Expression Inc. P.O. Box 332, Station “B” Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 5L3 Phone: (905)-897-7221 FAX: (905)-277-3914 – From: C-FAR <>

Subject: REFUSAL TO CARRY AD FOR FREE SPEECH INFORMATION MEETING Dear Mr. Newman: I must express both outrage and disappointment at your refusal to carry the ad announcing our meeting this Saturday in Oliver.

This is an information meeting to support free speech. We are bringing, at some considerable expense and self-sacrifice, a number of speakers from around B.C. and elsewhere in Canada. As your paper has seen fit to carry a number of Sol Littman-generated stories that have smeared Mr, Klatt’s character and trashed his business and reputation, common fairness would seem to require you, at the very least, to accept advertizing for a meeting that would allow him to clear the air. I have no intention of submitting to local tin horn censor wannabees and dictators. We shall actively consider other options, including a complaint about your conduct to the B.C. Press Council.

Sincerely yours,

Paul Fromm, Director